ARPWave in Northbrook

Want to be Pain-free?
Arp Wave in Northbrook is a form of non-invasive therapy for patients who are looking for quick recovery from acute and chronic injuries. Arp Wave Therapy is used to treat and heal the primary cause of your injury as well as the secondary compensatory side effects of the injury. We locate the neurological disruptions in order to relieve the symptoms you are having as well as heal the surrounding soft tissue.

Chronic pain develops when soft tissue, such as muscle is injured or overworked, and force is inadvertently sent to ligaments, tendons, and other soft tissue not designed to absorb the force. The neurological signal is not getting through to the muscle and eventually, there is scar tissue. Scar tissue damages the area by severely limiting ligaments, tendons, and other soft tissue from freely moving the joints & muscle and the result is chronic pain.
We Treat the Injury at the Origin and Also Eliminate the Compensation Patterns that Lead to Injury in Northbrook
When an injury occurs the body tends to involve other parts of the body in movement to compensate for the injured area. This leads to the body being out of balance and this compensation can lead to pain and additional injury in what can sometimes seem like an unrelated area.

All injuries are caused by the body’s inability to absorb force. Until the burdened soft tissue designed to absorb the force is treated, all the drugs and conventional rehab stretching and strengthening in the world will not fix the problem. That’s because that bodily force will still be sent to these troubled areas. With ARP Wave we are able to target and treat this neurological disconnect and find out exactly where the problem is coming from. We treat the soft tissue, transfer the force away from the injured tissue, flood the area with blood, and vastly accelerate the healing.
When we identify and treat the source of the pain and then retrain to erase the out-of-balance compensation – we not only heal but also help prevent future injury.
ARP Wave: How It Works
Chronic joint and muscle pain such as back, knee, shoulder, hip, neck… etc. typically results in muscular scar tissue. Unlike healthy muscle tissue, scar tissue is inelastic, stiff, and rigid and doesn’t stretch or move freely when a joint or muscle is moved.

When the body sustains an injury, specialized cells race to the damaged area and begin isolating and repairing the site.
Injured tissue cells have negative electrical potential and, thus will convert from a positive to a negative charge.

Negatively charged cells attract scar tissue, which helps the body isolate and repair the injury. Scar tissue typically dissipates after the injured area is healed but sometimes it clogs the healthy muscle tissue and severely limits the tendons from freely moving the nearby joints and muscles.
The result is chronic pain.
Arp Wave therapy eliminates muscle scar tissue and your chronic joint or muscle pain in less than 10 sessions.
The ARP Wave uses direct current (DC) combined with a patented background wave form to produce tiny muscle contractions which increase active ranges of motion and permit eccentric (lengthening) contractions as well.
The ARP Wave is a class 2 medical device authorized by the FDA for the following uses:
- Neuromuscular re-education
- Relaxation of muscle spasms
- Increased local blood circulation
- Increasing range of motion
Who Else Uses ARP Wave?
Negatively charged cells attract scar tissue, which helps the body isolate and repair the injury. Scar tissue typically dissipates after the injured area is healed but sometimes it clogs the healthy muscle tissue and severely limits the tendons from freely moving the nearby joints and muscles.
The result is chronic pain.
Arp Wave therapy eliminates muscle scar tissue and your chronic joint or muscle pain in less than 10 sessions.
The ARP Wave uses direct current (DC) combined with a patented background wave form to produce tiny muscle contractions which increase active ranges of motion and permit eccentric (lengthening) contractions as well.
The ARP Wave is a class 2 medical device authorized by the FDA for the following uses:
- Neuromuscular re-education
- Relaxation of muscle spasms
- Increased local blood circulation
- Increasing range of motion
Who Else Uses ARP Wave?

The ARP Wave Therapy is a new branch of medicine used by more than 1,000 of the world’s most elite, successful athletes, yet it can prove beneficial to anyone, regardless of age or occupation.
Some Familiar Names Who Have Used The ARP Wave:
- Tennis: Novak Djokovic, Mike Bryan
- Golf: PGA Tour Pros: Arron Oberholser, Peter Jacobsen, Chris Loughney
- Hockey: Tim Thomas, Jonathan Toews, Darby Hendrickson
- Football: Dwight Freeney, Santana Moss, Edgarrin James, Larry Fitzgerald, Tim Hightower, Jay Cutler
- Basketball: Shaquille O’Neal, Kevin Garnett, Blake Griffi
- Baseball: LaTroy Hawkins, Torii Hunter, Barry Zito
- Soccer: Mario Santan, Alessandro Del Piero
- Cycling: Leah Prudomme
- MMA: Guy Mezger
Professional athletes use this therapy to recuperate from injuries fast. And other like you have finally found relief from persistent prolonged pain.
Over the first four intensive therapeutic sessions, you will be amazed to discover that swelling diminishes dramatically (or even disappears), mobility soars and pain disappears as your body propels itself into accelerated recovery. The difference you will feel after your first four sessions will be Amazing!